Episodes & ShowNotes

Christian shares an intriguing dream during the show, recounting an exhilarating elevator ride where each floor reveals a new surprise. The journey oscillates between ups and downs, promising adventure at every turn. Will he ever reach his party destination amidst this thrilling escapade? | Episode 121 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/penthouse-party/

Numerical Elevator Journey Dream

Bizarre Dream

Larry weaves a captivating narrative as he immerses himself in the pleasure of scratching off lottery tickets. To his sheer astonishment, a moment of pure elation washes over him when he discovers a million-dollar win. Yet, the exhilaration is abruptly cut short as he awakens to the sobering realization that it was all a dream. […]

Scratch Off Winner Dream

Dream Snippet

Kayla shares a disconcerting dream where she finds herself at an opulent, three-tiered pool. However, her excitement turns to horror as she takes the plunge and discovers that the pool holds a nightmarish secret, unlike anything she could have ever imagined. | Episode 93 Content Warning: Death Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/sometimes-the-needle-breaks-deaths-on-movie-sets/

Dead Pool Dream

Dream Snippet

Mark’s relaxing camping trip with friends takes a surreal twist, reminiscent of a ‘Twilight Zone’ episode, when an unexpected pit stop catapults them to a mysterious desert homestead. Here, a routine walk to the ATM becomes a baffling challenge. Falsely accused of causing damages, Mark must keep his wits about him to prove his innocence, […]

Desert Twilight Zone Dream

Dream Snippet

Jonathan shares a prophetic dream he had as a teenager. In it, he was a nurse, weary after a long shift and yearning for the comfort of home. Strange circumstances caused him to linger in the hospital corridors waiting for his cab. What he witnessed next seems to have been a haunting glimpse into the […]

Soldier Premonition Dream

Dream Snippet

Williams shares a dream in which he leaps between bathrooms, transitioning from an intimate single-occupancy space to a vast, expansive wide open warehouse restroom on the loading dock. Yet, in each setting, he struggles to find the privacy he needs to attend to his affairs. | Episode 98 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/jordan-air-rockets-celebrity-sleep-disorders/

Warehouse Bathroom Dream

Dream Snippet

George excitedly recounts a dream in which he triumphs at an online slot machine, hitting the jackpot. Yet, his elation turns bittersweet as the majority of his winnings are swiftly claimed by the relentless grasp of taxes. | Episode 96 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/printer-exorcism-birthday-madlibs/

Slot Machine Winning Dream

Dream Snippet

Michael recounts a harrowing nightmare: his high school falls under the sinister control of a deranged scientist wielding a gun with the chilling ability to petrify its victims. As chaos ensues, Michael bravely steps up, teaming with his trusty robotic ally in a desperate bid to thwart the malevolent intruder. Can Michael rescue his peers […]

Mad Stone Scientist Dream

Dream Snippet

Landen unfolds a star-studded dream, beginning with a routine movie outing that morphs unexpectedly. Intrigued by a trench coat-clad Jeff Goldblum, Landen discovers a clandestine theater, armed with a golden ticket. As he settles into the seemingly vacant auditorium, astonishment strikes when a unique act graces the stage—an acclaimed Texas-born, two-time Academy Award-winning actress, and […]

Jeff Goldblum Peepshow Dream

Dream Snippet

Hana leads us on an exhilarating journey through a dream, immersing herself in a breathtaking firework display alongside her boyfriend. However, the enchantment takes an unexpected turn as paranoia creeps in, revealing their surroundings to be infiltrated by covert agents on a mission to uncover illicit substances. In a daring escape, Hana stumbles upon a […]

Weed Hiding Dream

Dream Snippet